2 years already? geez...time does go by quickly. However, M and I have been together for almost 8 years. I met him when he was 19, so yeah...a little too young to be talking about marriage.
After almost 4 years together, we decided to move in together. I had to test him out first! And let me tell you, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows at first. I have lived with only sisters my whole life and then it was just me with my parents. I had NO idea what it was like to live with a BOY! I had NO idea what it's like to live on my own! He did and laughed his ass off at me when we went grocery shopping the first time. I cried when I saw the bill. lol! I love M but good grief, he is a messy one! The first two months were a little difficult but we learned from each other and here we are years later. We still have our challenges but it's good to be married to him.
M is a wonderful man. I couldn't ask for anyone better. He woke me up this morning to tell me Happy Anniversary! That little thing made my day already a whole lot better. It's date night tonight too! We are going to go watch a movie (Nightmare on Elm St...romantic, no?) and maybe drinks after! Can't wait!
Happy anniversary!!! We're celebrating tonight, but our anniversary is on Sunday!!!